EVENT REMINDER: Waverly Avenue is hosting a Blood Drive and Health and Safety Expo on May 7!

EVENT REMINDER: Waverly Avenue is hosting a Blood Drive and Health and Safety Expo on May 7!
The latest image from Sachem’s archives … #SachemTBT: Throwing it back to 1967 when these kids were reading during Sachem’s summer enrichment program which was held at the “Waverly Avenue Elementary Summer Center.” This is […]
Annual event has generated major donations over the years St. Baldrick’s has long been a vibrant point of community service and spirit in Sachem. This year multiple schools combined to raise more than $70,000, a […]
When fifth grader Casey Lynch was 4 years old his father was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He received chemo and radiation and had major surgery. Mr. Lynch is six years post-surgery and considered a survivor. […]
Student creates campaign to raise $500 in her building. When fifth grader Casey Lynch was 4 years old her father was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He received chemo and radiation and had major surgery. Mr. […]
More than 70 students and staff at Waverly Avenue Elementary School had their heads shaved in honor of cancer awareness through St. Baldrick’s. The school raised a building-record $40,000 just this year, and have […]
Be a hero for kids with cancer! Join this St. Baldrick’s event, and whether you decide to shave your head, volunteer, or donate, we hope you’ll be a part of the excitement! The St. Baldrick’s […]
The Valentine Box Project began with two retired Sachem teachers wondering how they could make a difference. Because of their deep love for reading, Sue Hart and Marie McNair, decided to collect books for children […]