Old school images for new school eyes #SachemTBT: Throwing it back to 1968 when second and third grade students at Hiawatha Elementary listen to Miss Susan Sidney during story time! #TBT #Sachem

Old school images for new school eyes #SachemTBT: Throwing it back to 1968 when second and third grade students at Hiawatha Elementary listen to Miss Susan Sidney during story time! #TBT #Sachem
The latest image from Sachem’s archives … #SachemTBT: Throwing it back to 1967 when these kids were reading during Sachem’s summer enrichment program which was held at the “Waverly Avenue Elementary Summer Center.” This is […]
#SachemTBT: Throwing it back to April 1962 when Sachem’s drama company produced Thornton Wilder’s classic, “Our Town,” a play featuring strong character driven performances with little scenary and few props. Sachem has been producing incredible […]
A weekly look back at historic images in Sachem … This unique – and posed – basketball image is from 1962. Check out the original Sachem basketball uniforms! March Madness is upon us. #GoArrows #WeAreSachem
New hardware for Sachem North cheer after latest title Sachem North is your Suffolk County Division I Large School champion for 2018. The Flaming Arrows competed in the championship tournament on Sunday, February 24 at […]
The latest historic image for Sachem’s social platforms #SachemTBT: Students in Shelia Pedisich’s fifth grade class at Hiawatha Elementary enjoying their recess in March 1968! #TBT #Sachem
Holtsville school’s history dates back to 1929, but education in the town was forged in 1857 Students have been formally taught in Holtsville since 1857, four years before the start of the Civil War. Prior […]
Original creator of Sachem’s fight song, hired by Sachem in 1955 is now 88 living in Mississippi As the spirited jingle played loudly in the gymnasium lobby at Sachem High School North one student said, […]