As we begin this winter break, I would just like to share a few thoughts. We have experienced great sadness and tragedy recently, but our children have once again brought great joy and pride to our Sachem Family in a timely and much needed way. The spontaneous and sincere acts of kindness, generosity and love that have come from each of our schools recently to comfort and support those who grieve, struggle with illness, or experience hardships tell me that our students truly understand how they are capable of making our world a better place.
Their creativity, compassion and selfless giving of their time and talents has helped many families enjoy the peace and happiness of this special time of the year. If you were able to enjoy any of our holiday concerts, I am certain that our children provided you with great entertainment and happiness as well. Sachem students are simply the very best!
Our children are certainly our greatest blessing. I would like to sincerely thank those who have emailed me with their thoughts and suggestions on school safety, and I hope that everyone knows that I welcome and appreciate any thoughts, questions or suggestions that you may have on any topic and at any time. Please know that our Sachem staff is trained in emergency management procedures. We review them with law enforcement officials to enhance our current strategies and we also take recommendations from the New York State Office of Emergency Management. This in no way means that we are not open to further suggestions.
Our procedures are shared with our staff members and drills are scheduled throughout the year. Our building principals and support staff are also keenly aware of the importance of the emotional well-being of our students and staff members. Guidance counselors, social workers and psychologists are always available to provide support. We currently have security at each of our buildings, and they will remain at the buildings. The SCPD has been extremely helpful and supportive. There is a meeting scheduled for after the break, and we will share all suggestions with the law enforcement folks and review our current practices so that we can always improve upon our safety measures.
Thank you as always for your help and support. Only together can we continue to make Sachem a great place to learn, live and work. I wish you and your family quality time with loved ones, peace, good health and happiness now and always. WE ARE SACHEM!
-Words by Sachem Superintendent James Nolan