The Holbrook Fire Department honored Sachem alum and hero Gerard Schrang by dedicating its new tower ladder in his memory in late August.
Schrang, an FDNY fire fighter, died on September 11, 2001 rushing in to save lives at the World Trade Center. As a member of Rescue 3, one of New York City’s elite rescue units, Schrang was a veteran of the FDNY, celebrating his 20th year of service when he died. He was 45. He was one of 343 fire fighters to die in the towers that day.
He was also a 25-year member of the Holbrook Fire Department where he served as chief of department in 1990, was heavily involved with department training, a captain of the fire department drill team and played softball.
At Sachem, he will forever be the first All-League wrestler to compete for legendary head coach Jack Mahoney.
During the truck dedication, a turnout jacket bearing his name and the identifier 3-15-10 were displayed at the event. His name is also listed on the truck.