Peer-to-peer club teaches substance prevention

Sachem East Teens as Teachers/Peer to Peer club members facilitated the first of four “Too Good for Drugs” lessons in February.

Twenty six club members taught substance prevention lessons to the sixth graders at Sagamore Middle School.

The peer educators, grades 9-12 , did an amazing job teaching the students a character-based lesson on the importance of goals and goal setting.

Peer Leaders  are looking forward to returning to Sagamore to teach the next  lesson on identifying and managing emotions in an effort to keep sixth graders substance free.

Health Educators Lori Hewlett and Patricia Broderick serve as club advisors and are proud to announce that Sachem has demonstrated their dedication to substance free students and communities by making this club into a new Health Education course for the 2017-18 school year.

Special thanks to Adam Intravia and Melissa Bennett, Sachem Substance Abuse Prevention counselors for their support in Sachem’s Peer to Peer Substance Abuse Prevention initiatives.