Tecumseh students and staff opened up a time capsule in a stone wall that dates to the school’s foundation that was developed in 1970. The building officially opened in 1971. Since Tecumseh is one of the buildings that will be closed at the end of this school year, Principal Laura Amato opened the capsule and is also going to put items from 2016 in the wall when they seal it back up.
Tecumseh History: Tecumseh was supposed to open in September of 1970, hence the year on the corner stone, however; because of delays, it did not open until January of 1971. Students went to a split session at Lynwood with both Lynwood and Tecumseh students from September through December 1970. They also had double staff and two principals, Dave Brewer and Ralph Stiles, principal at Lynwood, in anticipation of the Tecumseh school being finished and having students coming to their new school. They held a dedication ceremony in March of 1972, about 14 months after the school finally opened.
The Artifacts: Items from the wall were preserved in a cooper box inserted inside the stone and they were pristine when they were removed. Some artifacts were a Long Island Advance newspaper from 1972 announcing Tecumseh’s opening, an aerial photo of Tecumseh property, a Sachem newspaper, Budget information, a lunch menu, staff list, student writing, math and spelling tests, some photographs of staff and students, and class lists.